Introduction: The CrystaLoveLight Process assists the opening and understanding of "The Gift of the Channel”.
The Gift of the C,hannel is a complex, possibly an unknown concept, especially if the word “psychic” is added and may be understood further as an inventor. One who either individually or with a team, produces a product, assisting a more productive life and therefore, quicker in performing a specific task or ‘process’. The CrystaLoveLight Process assists in opening the ‘channel’, discovering the tools of self-empowerment while Soul Travelling the Great Web.
The concept of an inventor is a person who has a vision that no one else has, bringing a new concept and higher consciousness to the planet. Developing the knowledge of a creative capability and a journey that is outside the box from anything previously conceived. The research, testing and marketing is often a lifetime work, a dream over many years before the product becomes a reality. However, there are ups and downs, challenges, set backs or blocks! The emotional highs and lows can be testing, leading to self-doubt, distrust of myself. After years of intensive work commitments, dedication and personal sacrifice, the dream is unlikely to manifest into a physical reality. The soul core memory "not being good enough, that I cannot be powerful" and not be believed after years of effort in bringing through or 'channelling' a process that will assist others. The benefit for the larger population may be proved in divine time, possibly after the passing from this incarnated lifetime.
Issues arising can include the product not meeting the standards for health and safety requirements or the inventor’s high personal expectations from the initial vision held. The cost factor, leaving or putting the production on hold for a substantial time period if not funded by other sources and therefore, hope quickly diminishes in completing the task. However, it begins with a belief in oneself, supported by family or a team and the wider community. Other elements of The CrystaLoveLight Process include the following roles: facilitator, spiritual midwife, mentor and teacher, reflecting the enormous responsibility when a soul or participant wishes or asks to travel the road together. Embracing a path with a soul travelling companion has its challenges, climbing mountains, finding the path in the first place if unclear, rocky and unstable. Significant relationships keep pulling one back to the bottom and the possibility of completing the journey to the top is abandoned altogether. The potential of expanding the LoveLight is sabotaged due to the inability to ‘go where needed’ and the key required cannot be found for starting or engaging the vehicle for the journey ahead.
The element of frustration, the sense of hopelessness with the dream of making life easier for others and birthing a new consciousness that makes a difference, disappears into a thick fog! The anchoring of CrystaLoveLight on the earth and through the Crystal Heart of the Mother is believed to be an impossible achievement. Hence, the ‘Channel’ has doubts which are very personal initally and will become a mirror of the ‘collective’ consciousness in the 9th dimension. A place where the Oneness with myself, others and through All That Is becomes the norm, where the flow of LoveLight is possible, in the ideal unconditional relationship. However, re-patterning relationships is the core essence which began consciously with the birth mother, possibly impacting health matters and a full-filling career path. A journey called “life”, sustaining a soul from within, spiritually, mentally, emotionally and physically, then ‘going out’ with an expanded energy of LoveLight, holding what is necessary in arising circumstances where a soul may be pulled out of their alignment. How quickly can the sense of ‘Oneness’ within myself be restored? The 'channel' once again opened?
The energy or power of a soul travelling vehicle is partly determined if one is the driver or the passenger and size or nature of the vehicle. The destination being set is the intention and there are multi-dimensional pathways of ‘light’ needing to be travelled at the speed of light. Several vibrational frequency pathways, through the multi-dimensional starry, water and earth realms. The colours of the rainbow and the vibrational sounds of the Song-lines, spheres and Lei-lines have been travelled by the spirit since the soul birthed in Light, beyond the consciousness of this incarnated lifetime.
While any vehicle is capable of travelling beyond the beyond, blocks may prevent the destination from being reached, at times coming to a sudden halt and therefore being asked to wait. Hence, the soul’s divine time when the journey will continue or be totally abandoned if the vehicle has crashed and has been determined or judged to be beyond repair or able to be saved. Rebuilding takes time, accepting or letting go of the story that some vehicles/souls have chosen or are unable to restore may be a conscious choice, but for the majority of people, is a sub-conscious decision. Therefore, a profound understanding and memory concerns a lost soul, "not all can be saved", However, providing and offering much needed guidance at the time, great learning for all. The ultimate message, “can the LoveLight for these souls be held fully so the door/s can be unlocked”? The keys a Gifted Channel can offer assists doors to open and the choice for a soul, to begin walking or travelling a pathway of Light, thus remembering the Love.
Freedom of choice is a very different consciousness to the innate and natural order of the animal kingdoms. The LoveLight expansion able to be held in the physical and on the earth cannot be underestimated. However, determined beyond the consciousness of all four power gifts (seeing, hearing, knowing and feeling) what many are unable or simply unwilling to comprehend or embrace.
The soul core memory, held in the water and starry realms, if activated consciously on the earth, sets the journey in motion. The LoveLight expansion from the higher dimensions, activated, re-patterned, reconnected and birthed through the Great Mother, growing in faith with the belief, “I Am, All That I Am”. The driving force for the spirit, continuing on the necessary path and striving for the greatest potential possible through the heart ~ Love. Confirmed in relationships, health and the birthing of a new conscious way of ‘living life’ as a CrystaLoveLight energy body. The unique and profound soul Gift of The Channel, is the physical manifesting of the inventors product, the Creator is myself who holds the knowledge deep within, a life-long ‘process’ ~ to ‘BE’ The Love, to ‘BE’ the Light as ONE.